Alen's Devnotes

Did you know that we could select a block, using the keyboard in visual studio code! Normally, I would do it using the key combination Ctrl + Shift + [Left or Right Attow]. But, I recently learned...

Adding references and nuget packages to projects is a common thing in development. I have already written a blog on how to add/reomve nuget packages in vs code. How to - Add reference to another p...

Those who have used Visual Studio, would know how easy it is to add a Nuget package or a reference to a project. But, this has not been the case with VS Code. VS Code follows a command line first b...

We discussed Tuples in the previous post. They give an easy to use interface, when we need only a subset of members from the class using a single function. But, what if we need to make it more imp...

Ever had to create a class, just so that you could return more than one data from one particular function! Well, there is a solution. In C#. Tuples, it is. Tuples has been around since .Net Framewo...